User Management System Project using AngularJS, PHP, and MySQL
This project focuses on developing a User Management System using AngularJS, PHP, and MySQL. We offer error-free AngularJS projects for beginners, providing a platform to manage user information. The system caters to two types of users: User and Admin. Users can register their profiles, login with their credentials, while Admin can manage registered users, update profiles, and delete users. Below are the details of the project:
Modules and Description of User Management System Project:
Roll Module:
The Roll Module manages all functionalities related to rolls. Admin can add, view, edit, and delete roll details. The module ensures data validation on the client-side using JavaScript.
User Module:
The User Module is a crucial part of the project, focusing on user-related functionalities. Admin can perform CRUD operations on user data, while users can view and update their own details. Access restrictions are implemented to ensure data security.
Functionality performed by Admin user:
Admin users can perform the following functions:
- Login, Forgot password, Edit Profile, Change Password, and Logout
- Dashboard for Admin User
- Manage User: Add, Edit, View, and List Users
- Manage Roll: Add, Edit, View, and List Rolls
- Reports: User and Roll Reports
Static Pages and other sections:
Static pages available in the project:
- Home Page with an animated slider
- About Us page
- Contact Us page
Technology Used in the project:
Technologies used in the project:
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript for frontend
- PHP for backend logic
- MySQL for database
- Apache2 server
- AngularJS for frontend logic
Supported Operating System:
Operating systems supported:
- Windows: WAMP or XAMPP
- Linux
- Mac