Train Ticket Booking System Project using PHP and MySQL
This project, the Train Ticket Booking System, has been created using PHP and MySQL. Students can search and download this core PHP project with full source code for free. The main goal of this project is to provide information on trains, train routes, and departure times. The system can manage train details, tour details, and customer information. There are two types of users in this project: customers and admins. The admin can add new system users, trains, tickets, bus routes, etc. You can download free PHP projects, including final year academic applications, from our website
Modules and Description of Train Ticket Booking System Project:
Customer Module:
The customer module is designed to provide all functionalities related to customers. It tracks and manages customer information using CRUD operations. Admin can perform all operations on data, while customers can only view their own data. Features of this module include adding, viewing, updating, and deleting customer records.
Train Module:
The train module focuses on managing train information. It allows admin to add, view, update, and delete train records. All train forms are validated using JavaScript.
Train Route Module:
The train route module is essential for managing train routes in the Train Ticket Booking System project. Admin can manage, edit, delete, and view all train routes, while customers can view the train routes.
Functionality performed by Train Ticket Booking System:
Admin users can perform the following functions:
- Login, Forgot password, Edit Profile, Change Password, and Logout
- Manage Customer: Add, Edit, View, and List all customers
- Manage Train Route: Add, Edit, View, and List all train routes
- Manage Train: Add, Edit, View, and List all trains
- Manage System Users: Add, Edit, View, and List all system users
- Generate Reports for Customers, Train Routes, Trains, and System Users
Static Pages and other sections:
Static pages available in the project:
- Home Page with animated slider for images
- About Us page
- Contact Us page
Technology Used in the project Train Ticket Booking System:
Technologies used in this project:
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript for frontend
- PHP for business logic
- MySQL for database
- Apache2 for server
Supported Operating System:
Operating systems supported by this project:
- Windows: WAMP or XAMPP can be used for Windows
- Linux: Compatible with all versions of Linux
- Mac: Configurable on Mac OS