Online Boutique Store Project using PHP and MySQL
This project, the Online Boutique Store, has been created using PHP and MySQL. We offer complete PHP online projects for students. The main goal of developing this project was to establish an online platform for selling designer clothes and managing customer details. Fashion designers can use this project to keep track of customer contact information and measurements, making it easier to automate the management of customer data. Customers can easily browse and select designs based on their preferences and budget. The project includes advanced modules for efficient product management, making the backend system powerful. Students can find and download core PHP projects for free, including this one.
Modules and Description of the Online Boutique Store Project:
Product Module:
The Product module is crucial for managing products in the Online Boutique Store project. Admin users can add, edit, and delete product information, while customers can view product details. Features of this module include:
- Product management by admin
- Edit/delete product functionality for admin
- List of all products for admin
- Viewing products for customers
Category Module:
The Category module focuses on managing product categories. Admin users can add, edit, and delete categories, while customers can view category details. Features of this module include:
- Adding new categories by admin
- Viewing category details for admin
- Editing and updating category records by admin
- Deleting category records by admin
- Client-side validation for category forms using JavaScript
Customer Module:
The Customer module is responsible for managing customer information. Admin users can perform CRUD operations on customer data, while customers can only view their own information. Features of this module include:
- Adding new customer records by admin
- Viewing customer details for admin
- Editing and updating customer records by admin
- Deleting customer records by admin
- Client-side validation for customer forms using JavaScript
Sales Module:
The Sales module is designed to manage sales transactions. Admin users can handle all sales-related activities, while customers can view their own sales data. Features of this module include:
- Sales management by admin
- Edit/delete sales functionality for admin
- List of all sales for admin
- Viewing sales for customers
Product Review Module:
The Product Review module allows customers to provide feedback on products. Admin users can manage product reviews, while customers can submit their reviews. Features of this module include:
- Adding new product reviews by admin
- Viewing product review details for admin
- Editing and updating product review records by admin
- Deleting product review records by admin
- Client-side validation for product review forms using JavaScript
Functionality performed by Admin user:
Admin users can perform the following functions:
- Login, Forgot password, Edit Profile, Change Password, and Logout
- Dashboard for Admin User
- Manage Category, Customer, Product, System User, Sales, and Product Reviews
- Generate reports for Categories, Customers, Products, Sales, System Users, and Product Reviews
Static Pages and other sections:
Static pages available in the project:
- Home Page with an animated image slider
- About Us page
- Contact Us page
Technology Used in the project:
Technologies used in this project:
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript for frontend
- PHP for business logic
- MySQL for database management
- Apache2 server for hosting
Supported Operating System:
This project can be configured on the following operating systems:
- Windows (WAMP or XAMP)
- Linux
- Mac