Development of Movie Ticket Booking System using PHP and MySQL
The Movie Ticket Booking System project has been created using PHP and MySQL. Our website,, offers free downloads of PHP projects with complete source code and database. This web-based application allows users to reserve tickets and inquire about ticket availability. Additionally, the system includes email confirmation for ticket reservations.
Below the description, you can find screenshots and a demo of the project for more information.
Modules and Description of Movie Ticket Booking System Project:
Movie Module:
The Movie module is designed to manage movie data within the Movie Ticket Booking System. Admin users can view and edit movie details, while customers can access information about available movies. CRUD operations for movies have been implemented in this module.
Booking Module:
The Booking module handles the booking of movies. Admin users can manage movie bookings and filter them based on customer preferences. Customers can view their booking details through this module.
Ticket Module:
The Ticket module focuses on ticket-related functionalities, tracking ticket information and details. Admin users have the ability to add, view, update, and delete ticket records. Client-side validation using JavaScript ensures data accuracy.
Customer Module:
The Customer module manages customer information and operations. Admin users can perform CRUD operations on customer data, while customers can view and update their own details. Role-based access control restricts customer access to their own data.
Functionality performed by Admin user:
Admin users can perform various functions within the system, including managing customers, movies, bookings, tickets, and generating reports on system data.
Static Pages and other sections:
The project includes static pages such as Home, About Us, and Contact Us. The Home page features an animated image slider for a visually appealing user interface.
Technology Used in the project Movie Ticket Booking System
The project utilizes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, and Apache2 for development. HTML for page layout, CSS for design, JavaScript for validation and animations, PHP for business logic, MySQL for database management, and Apache2 for server hosting.
Supported Operating System
The project can be configured on Windows, Linux, and Mac operating systems. For Windows, WAMP or XAMPP can be used, while Linux and Mac systems are also compatible with the project.