Course Enquiry System Project using PHP and MySQL
This project, the Course Enquiry System, is built on the PHP and MySQL server. We offer a variety of PHP mini projects with documentation on the latest topics. The main goal of developing this project is to streamline the course registration process online, saving time and providing up-to-date information on course availability. Students can easily register for courses by providing necessary details and payment information. Upon successful registration, students can access the course. The project aims to automate course management processes and provide a user-friendly interface. It is a simple and efficient source code that saves time and resources. The project offers advanced modules for a powerful backend system. Students can download free PHP projects with source code and database.
Modules and Description of Course Enquiry System Project:
Course Module:
The course module is essential in the Course Enquiry System project developed using PHP and MySQL. It manages all course-related functionalities, including CRUD operations.
Features of Course Module:
- Admin can add new course records
- Admin can view the list of course details
- Admin can edit and update course records
- Admin can delete course records
- Client-side form validation using JavaScript
Enquiry Module:
The enquiry module handles all functionalities related to enquiries, tracking information and details.
Features of Enquiry Module:
- Admin can add new enquiries
- Admin can view the list of enquiry details
- Admin can edit and update enquiry records
- Admin can delete enquiry records
- Client-side form validation using JavaScript
Semester Module:
The semester module manages all functionalities related to semesters, tracking information and details.
Features of Semester Module:
- Admin can add new semesters
- Admin can view the list of semester details
- Admin can edit and update semester records
- Admin can delete semester records
- Client-side form validation using JavaScript
Users of the Course Enquiry System Project:
There are two types of users in the project:
- Normal/Non-Registered/Anonymous User
- Admin User
Functionality for Normal/Non-Registered/Anonymous User:
- View all course listings
- Search for courses
- Submit enquiries for courses
- View course details including fees, semester, syllabus, etc.
Functionality for Admin User:
- Login, Edit Profile, Logout, Forgot Password
- Course Management:
- Add, list, edit, delete, search courses
- Semester Management:
- Add, list, edit, delete semesters
- Enquiry Management:
- Add, list, edit, delete enquiries
- Reports:
- Generate reports for courses, semesters, enquiries
Static Pages and Other Sections:
- Home Page with an attractive UI
- Animated slider for image banners on the Home Page
- About Us page describing the project
- Contact Us page
Technology Used in the Course Enquiry Management System Project:
- HTML for page layout
- CSS for design
- JavaScript for validation and animations
- PHP for business and frontend logic
- MySQL as the database
- Apache2 server
Supported Operating Systems:
- Windows: Easily configured with WAMP or XAMPP
- Linux: Compatible with all Linux versions
- Mac: Can be configured on Mac OS