Mini EBay: An Online Auction Web Application using Java, JSP, and MySQL
Our project, Mini EBay, is built on the Java, JSP, and MySQL platform and is hosted on the Tomcat Server. The main goal of this project is to facilitate the management of three types of users: admin, customer, and seller. The admin has the authority to manage information about products, customers, sellers, and bidding products. Customers can view information about bidding products and regular products. We offer easy Java projects with source code for students looking to learn, as well as advanced Java projects for free download.
Below, you will find a detailed description and screenshots of the project.
Modules and Description of Mini EBay Project:
Customer Module:
The customer module is the core module of this project, focusing on all functionalities related to customers. Admin can perform CRUD operations on customer data, while customers can only view and update their own information. Access restrictions are implemented to ensure data security.
Seller Module:
The seller module provides functionalities related to sellers, allowing admin to manage seller data and sellers to view and update their own information.
Product Module:
The product module is designed to manage product categories, with admin and sellers able to add new products. Customers can view the product listings.
Products Bid Module:
The products bid module manages bids on products, with admin overseeing bidding products and customers participating in the bidding process.
Functionality performed by Admin user:
Admin users can perform various functions, including managing customers, products, sellers, product bids, system users, and generating reports.
Functionality performed by Customer user:
Customers can register, login, bid on products, view their bids, view product details, and change their passwords.
Functionality performed by Seller user:
Sellers can register, login, view product listings, view product reports, add products, view bid reports, and change their passwords.
Technology Used in the project Mini EBay
The project utilizes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSP, Java, MySQL, and Tomcat for front-end design, styling, validation, logic, database management, and server hosting.
Supported Operating System
The project can be configured on Windows, Linux, and Mac operating systems, requiring installations of Tomcat 7, JDK 7, and MySQL 5.