This project has been developed to track the workflow of issues for a company. The system includes four types of users: admin, manager, developer, and tester, each with their own specific roles and permissions. The project, called Issue Tracking System, is built using Java, JSP, and MySQL database running on a Tomcat server. We offer various Java software projects for students to use as their final year college projects, with the option to download the projects with source code for free. Screenshots and demo videos of the project are available for further clarification on functionality.
Modules and Description of Issue Tracking System Project:
Software Version Module:
This module is designed to manage software versions, allowing the admin to add, edit, delete, and view all software versions.
Issue Module:
This module focuses on managing issues, with the admin having the ability to add, edit, delete, and view all issues.
Issue Feature Module:
This module provides functionality related to issue features, allowing the admin to add, view, edit, and delete issue feature records.
Types of users in the application include Manager, Tester, Developer, and Administrator, each with specific responsibilities and privileges.
Requirements of the Projects:
The system should allow users to login using their email address and password, with roles defined in a database table to assign privileges accordingly. Various functionalities are specified for each type of user, such as adding bugs, assigning issues, and managing software versions.
Technical requirements:
The project is developed using abstract factory design pattern and MVC architectural pattern. Data is stored in a database of choice, and notifications are sent to users for updates.
Functionality performed by Admin user:
The admin user can perform various tasks such as managing software versions, system users, creating issues, managing issue features, and generating reports.
Static pages available in the project include Home, About Us, and Contact Us pages with a user-friendly interface.
Technologies used in the project:
HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSP, Java, MySQL, and Tomcat server are used to develop the project.
Operating systems for configuration:
The project can be configured on Windows, Linux, and Mac operating systems with the necessary software installations.