Hotel Booking System Project using PHP and MySQL
This project focuses on developing a Hotel Booking System using PHP and MySQL. It is designed to manage all hotel-related information such as booking dates, check-ins, check-outs, and bills. The project includes advanced modules that enhance the backend system’s functionality. Students can access and download PHP projects with a database for free to aid in learning.
Modules and Description of Hotel Booking System Project:
Customer Module:
The Customer Module is developed to handle all customer-related functionalities. It tracks and manages customer information, allowing for CRUD operations. Admin users have full access to data manipulation, while customers can only view their own data with access restrictions in place. Features of this module include adding, viewing, updating, and deleting customer records.
Room Module:
The Room Module is designed to manage room data within the hotel. Admin users can add, edit, and delete room details, while customers can view room information. CRUD operations are implemented for room management.
Booking Module:
The Booking Module is crucial for managing hotel bookings. Admin users can handle all booking operations, including adding, editing, and deleting bookings. Customers can view their booking details, and admin users can filter and view all booking information.
Registration Module:
The Registration Module focuses on registration functionalities, tracking and managing registration details. Admin users can add, view, update, and delete registration records. Form validation is implemented using JavaScript for all registration forms.
Project screenshots and a demo are provided below for further details.
Functionality performed by Admin user:
Admin users can perform the following functionalities:
- Login, Forgot password, Edit Profile, Change Password, and Logout
- Dashboard overview
- Manage Customer: Add, Edit, View, and List Customer details
- Manage Room: Add, Edit, View, and List Room details
- Manage Booking: Add, Edit, View, and List Booking details
- Manage Registration: Add, Edit, View, and List Registration details
- Reports: Generate reports for Customers, Rooms, Bookings, and Registrations
Static Pages and other sections:
Static pages available in the project:
- Home Page with an animated image slider
- About Us page
- Contact Us page
Technology Used in the project:
Technologies utilized in this project:
- HTML for page layout
- CSS for design
- JavaScript for validation and animations
- PHP for business logic
- MySQL for database management
- Apache2 server for hosting
Supported Operating System:
This project can be configured on the following operating systems:
- Windows: Requires WAMP or XAMPP
- Linux: Compatible with all Linux versions
- Mac: Easily configured on Mac OS