Hospital Management System Project using PHP and MySQL
This mini project on Hospital Management System has been developed using PHP and MySQL, with PHP version 7.0 and MySQL version 5.6. It can be easily set up on XAMPP or WAMP. The frontend is built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This project is a small-scale PHP project focused on a single admin login for managing various operations related to doctors, hospitals, branches, and appointment bookings. Patients or customers can visit the website to access information about hospital management.
Modules and Description of Hospital Management System Project:
Hospital Module:
The Hospital Module allows the admin to perform CRUD operations related to hospitals, such as adding new records, viewing the list of hospitals, editing and updating hospital details, and deleting hospital records. Form validation is implemented using JavaScript.
Appointments Module:
The Appointments Module enables the admin to manage appointments, including editing, deleting, and viewing the list of appointments. Patients can also view their appointments through this module.
Doctor Module:
The Doctor Module focuses on providing functionalities related to doctors, allowing the admin to add, view, edit, update, and delete doctor records. Role-based access control is implemented to restrict doctor access to their own data.
Branch Module:
The Branch Module is designed for managing information about hospital branches, with features like adding new branches, viewing and downloading branch details, editing, updating, and deleting branch records.
Login Module:
The Login Module provides the login form for admin access, allowing them to add, view, edit, update, and change passwords for login records.
Functionality and Modules of the Hospital Management System Project:
- Login
- Logout Functionality
- Change Password Functionality
- Dashboard
- Hospital Management Module
- Doctor Module
- Appointment Module
- Branch Module
- Reports
Technology Used in the Hospital Management System Project:
Technologies used in this project:
- JavaScript
- Apache2
Supported Operating System:
Operating systems supported for this project:
- Windows
- Linux
- Mac