Java JSP and MySQL Project
The E-Health Care Management System project has been developed using Java, JSP, and MySQL on the Tomcat Server. Our website,, offers a variety of easy Java projects that can be used as final year college projects. You can download online Java projects based on your requirements. The main goal of this project was to automate the operations of E-Health Care. The project includes two users: admin and patient. The admin can add new doctors, patients, and appointment details, while the patient can view their appointment history and easily book appointments. Students can download Java software projects with source code for free on our website. All Java projects with source code and database download are available.
I have provided screenshots and a demo of the project below the description for more details.
Modules and Description of E-Health Care Management System Project:
Patient Module :
The Patient Module is designed to track and manage patient information. It includes CRUD operations for patients, with role-based access control. Admin can add, view, edit, and delete patient records. All patient forms are validated using JavaScript on the client side. Features of the Patient Module include:
- Admin can add new patient records
- Admin can view the list of patient details
- Admin can edit and update patient records
- Admin can delete patient records
Appointment Module :
The Appointment Module is responsible for managing doctor appointments. Admin can manage, edit, and delete appointments, as well as view a list of all appointments. Patients can also view their appointment details. Features of the Appointment Module include:
- Admin can manage appointments
- Admin can edit/delete appointments
- Admin can view a list of all appointments
- Patients can view their appointments
Doctor Module :
The Doctor Module is designed to track and manage doctor information. It includes CRUD operations for doctors, with role-based access control. Admin can add, view, edit, and delete doctor records. All doctor forms are validated using JavaScript on the client side. Features of the Doctor Module include:
- Admin can add new doctors
- Admin can view the list of doctor details
- Admin can edit and update doctor records
- Admin can delete doctor records
Functionality performed by Admin user:
These are the functionalities performed by admin users, including login, profile management, patient management, doctor management, appointment management, and generating reports.
Functionality performed by Patient user:
Functionalities available to patients include registration, login, viewing appointments, booking appointments, and changing passwords.
Static Pages and other sections :
Static pages available in the project include Home Page, About Us, and Contact Us pages.
Technology Used in the project E-Health Care Management System
The project uses HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSP, Java, MySQL, and Tomcat for page layout, design, validation, logic, database, and server, respectively.
Supported Operating System
The project can be configured on Windows, Linux, and Mac operating systems.