Development of Criminal Record Management System using PHP and MySQL
This project focuses on the creation of a Criminal Record Management System using PHP and MySQL. The project utilizes PHP version 7.0 and MySQL version 5.6, making it suitable for academic purposes. Students can easily set up and configure this project on platforms like XAMPP and WAMP. The frontend of the project is built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
The Criminal Record Management System project consists of two user roles: admin and police. The admin has the authority to perform various operations such as editing, deleting, and updating criminal records. On the other hand, the police user can log in, add criminal records, view records, and access information about criminals.
Key features of the project include the ability for the admin to add criminals, courts, prisons, categories, crimes, and court types. The project offers a collection of PHP projects for free download, providing students with valuable resources for learning.
Modules and Description of Criminal Record Management System Project:
Criminal Module:
The Criminal Module is responsible for managing all details related to criminals. It includes CRUD operations for the Criminal Showroom, allowing the admin to add, view, edit, and delete criminal records. The module also ensures client-side form validation using JavaScript.
Court Module:
The Court Module focuses on managing court information for criminals. Admin can mark courts, view a list of all courts, and filter them based on criminals. Criminals can only access information about their respective courts.
Prison Module:
The Prison Module is designed to handle prison-related information. Admin can upload, edit, delete, and view prison details, while criminals can view and download prison information.
Category Module:
The Category Module deals with managing category information. Admin can add, edit, delete, and view categories, providing a comprehensive system for organizing data.
Login Module:
The Login Module allows admin to log in to the system securely. It includes features for adding new login records, changing passwords, and managing login details.
Police Module:
The Police Module offers functionalities related to police operations. Admin can add, view, edit, and delete police records, ensuring efficient management of law enforcement data.
Crime Module:
The Crime Module focuses on managing crime information for police. Admin can mark crimes, edit/delete crime details, and provide access to crime data for police users.
Functionality and modules of the project Criminal Record Management System:
The project includes various modules such as login, logout, change password, dashboard, criminal management, court management, category management, prison management, crime management, police management, and reports generation.
Functionality performed by Police user:
Police users can register, log in, add criminal records, and change passwords using the functionalities provided in the system.
Technology Used in the project Crime Record Management System
The project utilizes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, and Apache2 technologies for development. It can be run on platforms like XAMPP, LAMP, WAMP, or MAMP.
Supported Operating System
The project can be configured on various operating systems including Windows, Linux, and Mac, making it versatile and accessible to a wide range of users.