Campus Recruitment System Project using Java, JSP, and MySQL
This project, the Campus Recruitment System, has been created using Java, JSP, and MySQL. You can find easy Java projects on our website We offer the best Java and JSP projects for free download, including the source code and executable files. The main goal of this project is to provide an online job search portal for candidates to explore job opportunities in various companies. It helps in managing job vacancies, job details, and more. The project includes a single user login for the admin, who can view the dashboard, add colleges and job details, and generate system user reports. With advanced modules, this project offers a powerful backend system for efficient data management.
Modules and Description of Campus Recruitment System Project:
Job Module:
The Job Module is crucial in this project as it handles all functionalities related to jobs. Admin can add new job records, view job details, edit/update job records, and delete job records. All job forms are validated using JavaScript on the client side.
College Module:
The College Module manages applicant colleges, allowing the admin to edit/delete colleges, view a list of all colleges, and enable applicants to view colleges.
Applicant Module:
The Applicant Module focuses on functionalities related to applicants, tracking their information and details. Admin can add new applicant records, view applicant details, edit/update applicant records, and delete applicant records. Access level restrictions are implemented, allowing admin to perform all operations while applicants can only view their data.
Static Pages and Other Sections:
Static pages available in the project include:
- Home Page with a user-friendly interface
- JavaScript animated slider for image banners on the Home Page
- About Us page describing the project
- Contact Us page for communication
Technology Used in the Project Campus Recruitment System:
- HTML for page layout
- CSS for design
- JavaScript for validation and animations
- JSP for front-end logic
- Java for business logic
- MySQL as the database
- Tomcat server for running the project
Supported Operating System:
This project can be configured on the following operating systems:
- Windows: Requires Tomcat 7, JDK 7, MySQL 5
- Linux: Compatible with all versions of Linux
- Mac: Can be configured on Mac operating systems