Python Django and MySQL Project on Turf Booking System
This Python project on Turf Booking System has been developed using Python, Django, and MySQL. The project utilizes Python version 3, Django version 2, and MySQL version 5.8. The main objective of this project is to manage the reservation details of turfs. The project includes administrative functionalities where the administrator can add events, view turfs, modify passwords, and update, delete, and modify turfs. The administrator also has the ability to search for any information within the project. Both the administrator and users have access to the listing and details of turfs. This project is a simple yet informative Python project that can be easily set up and provides valuable learning opportunities. Students can obtain the complete Python source code and database of the project.
Below the description, you can find the screens and demo of the project for more insights.
Modules and Description of Turf Booking System Project:
Turf Module :
The Turf module is developed to manage turf data efficiently. The administrator can manage all turf types, while customers can view all turf details. The features of the Turf module include:
- Admin can manage turfs
- Admin can edit/delete turfs
- Admin can view the list of all turfs
- Customers can view all turf details
Booking Module :
The Booking module is designed to handle turf bookings. The administrator can manage all turf bookings, and customers can book turfs. The features of the Booking module include:
- Admin can manage bookings
- Admin can edit/delete bookings
- Admin can view the list of all bookings
- Customers can view their bookings
Functionality and modules of the project Turf Booking System:
- Login – Admin login module
- Logout Functionality
- Change Password Functionality
- Dashboard – Admin dashboard displaying turf, turf details, and turf listing
- Turf Management Module
- Adding New Turf Details
- Edit Existing Turf Details
- View all turf details
- List all turfs
- Booking Management Module
- View all booking details
- List all bookings
- Reports of the project Turf Booking System
- Report of all turfs
- Report of all bookings
Static Pages and other sections :
Static pages available in project Turf Booking System:
- Home Page with appealing UI
- Home Page featuring an animated slider for image banners
- About us page describing the project
- Contact us page for project inquiries
Technology Used in the project Turf Booking System
Technologies utilized in this project:
- HTML : Page layout designed in HTML
- CSS : Styling done using CSS
- JavaScript : Validation tasks and animations implemented with JavaScript
- Python : Business logic implemented in Python
- MySQL : Database management using MySQL
- Django : Project developed using Django Framework
Supported Operating System
This project can be configured on the following operating systems:
- Windows : Easily configured on Windows OS by installing Python, PIP, and Django
- Linux : Compatible with all versions of Linux
- Mac : Can be configured on Mac OS