Online Cake Ordering System Project using Java, JSP, and MySQL
This project focuses on developing an Online Cake Ordering System using Java, JSP, and MySQL. It is designed to provide a platform for customers to order food online. The project offers various forms with a variety of food options for customers to purchase online. Customers can place orders from anywhere and pay cash on delivery. The system includes features for efficient management and processing of orders. While the current system supports cash on delivery, future enhancements may include online payment options. Once an order is confirmed, the order processing begins, with real-time updates on the order status provided to the customer. New orders are displayed in a list for kitchen staff to process. Students can access free Java projects with source code for download, offering a user-friendly interface and advanced modules for a powerful backend system.
Below the description, you can find screens and a demo of the project for more details.
Modules and Description of Online Cake Ordering System Project:
Customer Module:
The Customer Module is designed to manage customer-related functionalities, tracking customer information and details. Admin users can perform CRUD operations on customer data, while customers can only view their own data, ensuring access level restrictions. Features of this module include adding, viewing, updating, and deleting customer records, with client-side form validation using JavaScript.
Cake Items Module:
The Cake Items Module focuses on managing cake items data. Admin users can manage cake item types, edit/delete items, and view a list of all cake items. Customers can view available cake items, providing a seamless experience for both admin and customers.
Cake Items Stock Module:
This module is dedicated to managing cake items stock. Admin users can manage stock, edit/delete items, and view a list of all stock items. Customers can also view available stock items, ensuring transparency in the ordering process.
Order Module:
The Order Module is responsible for managing customer orders. Admin users can manage orders, edit/delete orders, and view a list of all orders. Customers can view their own orders and payment receipts, facilitating a smooth order management process.
Item Module:
The Item Module is designed to manage items, allowing admin users to handle items, edit/delete items, and view a list of all items. Customers can view their ordered items, enhancing the overall customer experience.
Order Status Update Module:
This module focuses on providing functionalities related to order status updates. Admin users can add, edit, and delete order status updates, ensuring efficient order tracking and management. Form validation using JavaScript enhances the user experience.
Functionality of the Project Online Cake Ordering System:
Key functionalities of the project include:
- Login for Admin
- Forgot password for Admin
- Edit Profile for Admin
- Change Password for Admin
- Dashboard for Admin User
- Manage Cake Items
- Manage Customer
- Manage Food Item
- Manage Order
- Manage Order Status
- Manage Cake Items Stock
- Reports for Cake Items, Customers, Food Items, Orders, Order Status, and Cake Items Stock
Functionality for Customer Users:
- Customer Registration
- Customer Login
- Customer Cart
- Customer Payment
- Customer Order
- Customer Order Confirmation
- Change Password
Static Pages and Other Sections:
Static pages available in the project:
- Home Page with an attractive UI
- About Us Page
- Contact Us Page
Technology Used in the Project Online Cake Ordering System:
- JavaScript
- Java
- Tomcat
Supported Operating Systems:
The project can be configured on the following operating systems:
- Windows
- Linux
- Mac