College Management System Project using Java, JSP, and MySQL
This project is a mini Java project that I have developed for a College Management System. The project utilizes Java, JSP, and MySQL for its functionality. The project has a single user, which is the admin. The admin has the ability to manage various aspects of the college, such as adding students, managing fees and attendance, viewing student reports, fees reports, and attendance reports. The admin can also edit, update, and delete student, fees, and attendance records, as well as change the account password. Students can also access Java projects with source code for free download.
Below the description, you can find the screens and demo of the project for more details.
Modules and Description of College Management System Project:
Student Module:
The Student Module is crucial for providing all the necessary details related to the college. It includes CRUD operations for managing student records. Features of this module include:
- Adding new student records
- Viewing the list of student details
- Editing and updating student records
- Deleting student records
- Client-side validation of all student forms using JavaScript
Attendance Module:
The Attendance Module is designed to manage student attendance on a daily basis. Features of this module include:
- Marking student attendance
- Editing and deleting student attendance
- Viewing the list of all student attendance
- Allowing students to view their own attendance
Fees Module:
The Fees Module is responsible for managing all fee-related information. Features of this module include:
- Uploading new fees
- Allowing students to view and download fee details
- Editing and updating existing fees
- Deleting existing fees
- Viewing the list of all fees
Login Module:
The Login Module provides the login form for the admin to access the system. Features of this module include:
- Adding new login records
- Viewing login details
- Editing and updating login records
- Changing the password
Functionality and Modules of the College Management System Project:
The project includes modules for login, logout, change password, dashboard, student management, fees management, attendance management, and various reports related to students, fees, and attendance.
Static Pages and Other Sections:
The project also includes static pages such as Home, About Us, and Contact Us pages with a user-friendly interface.
Technology Used in the Project:
The project utilizes HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSP, Java, MySQL, and Tomcat for its functionality.
Supported Operating System:
The project can be configured on Windows, Linux, and Mac operating systems with the necessary software installations.