Online Voting System Project using PHP and MySQL
Our website,, offers a free download of the Online Voting System project developed using PHP and MySQL. This project aims to provide information on elections, candidates, citizens, committees, committee members, notifications, and parties. The project has two types of users: admin and citizens. The admin can manage all election-related tasks, while citizens can view election reports.
Below is a description of the modules and features of the Online Voting System project:
Modules and Description:
Candidate Module:
The candidate module allows the admin to manage candidate data. Admin can view, edit, and delete candidate information. Features include:
- Admin can manage candidates
- Admin can edit/delete candidates
- Admin can view the list of all candidates
- Users can view candidate information
Committee Module:
The committee module enables the admin to manage committees. Admin can add, edit, and delete committee details. Features include:
- Admin can manage committees
- Admin can edit/delete committees
- Admin can view the list of all committees
- Users can view committee information
Citizen Module:
The citizen module handles citizen-related functionalities. Admin can add, edit, and delete citizen records. Features include:
- Admin can add new citizen records
- Admin can view citizen details
- Admin can edit and update citizen records
- Admin can delete citizen records
- Client-side validation for citizen forms using JavaScript
Election Module:
The election module allows the admin to manage elections. Admin can add, edit, and delete election details. Features include:
- Admin can manage elections
- Admin can edit/delete elections
- Admin can view the list of all elections
- Users can view their election details
Party Module:
The party module provides functionalities related to parties. Admin can add, edit, and delete party details. Features include:
- Admin can add new parties
- Admin can view party details
- Admin can edit and update party records
- Admin can delete party records
- Client-side validation for party forms using JavaScript
Notification Module:
The notification module manages result notifications. Admin can add, edit, and delete notifications. Features include:
- Admin can manage notifications
- Admin can edit/delete notifications
- Admin can view the list of all notifications
- Users can view their notifications
Functionality performed by Admin user:
Admin users can perform the following functionalities:
- Login, Forgot password, Edit Profile, Change Password, and Logout
- Dashboard for Admin User
- Manage Candidate, Citizen, Committee, Election, Notification, Party
- Generate reports for Candidates, Citizens, Committees, Elections, Notifications, Parties
Static Pages and other sections:
Static pages available in the project:
- Home Page with an animated slider
- About Us page
- Contact Us page
Technology Used:
The project is developed using the following technologies:
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript for frontend
- PHP for business logic
- MySQL for database
- Apache2 for server
Supported Operating System:
The project can be configured on the following operating systems:
- Windows: WAMP or XAMPP
- Linux
- Mac