School Management System Project using PHP and MySQL
Below is a description of the School Management System project along with screenshots and a demo. For more details, please refer to the attached files.
Modules and Description of School Management System Project:
Staff Module :
The Staff Module is the main module in the School Management System project developed using PHP and MySQL. It allows for the management of staff information and details. The module includes CRUD operations for staff data, with role-based access control. Admin users can perform all operations on staff data, while staff members can only view their own data. Features of the Staff Module include adding, viewing, updating, and deleting staff records, as well as client-side form validation using JavaScript.
Admissions Module :
The Admissions Module tracks all admission-related information in the School Management System project. It includes CRUD operations for admissions data, allowing admin users to add, view, update, and delete admission records. Form validation is implemented using JavaScript.
Exams Module :
The Exams Module manages exam data in the School Management System project. Admin users can manage exams, edit/delete exam records, and view a list of all exams. Staff members can also view exams.
Class Module :
The Class Module is responsible for managing class information in the School Management System project. Admin users can manage classes, edit/delete class records, and view a list of all classes. Staff members can view class information.
Timetable Module :
The Timetable Module provides functionality related to timetables in the School Management System project. It includes CRUD operations for timetables, allowing admin users to add, view, update, and delete timetable records. Form validation is implemented using JavaScript.
Functionality performed by Admin user:
Admin users can perform the following functions in the School Management System project:
- Login, Forgot password, Edit Profile, Change Password, and Logout
- Dashboard for Admin User
- Manage Admissions, Staff, Exams, Class, and Timetable
- Generate reports for Admissions, Staff, Exams, Class, and Timetables
Functionality performed by Staff user:
- Staff Registration, Login, Add Gallery, Add Report, Attendance, and Change Password
Static Pages and other sections :
Static pages available in the project:
- Home Page with animated slider
- About Us page
- Contact Us page
Technology Used in the project School Management System
Technologies used in the project:
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript for frontend
- PHP for backend logic
- MySQL for database
- Apache2 for server
Supported Operating System
The project can be configured on the following operating systems:
- Windows (WAMP or XAMPP)
- Linux
- Mac