Tour And Travel Booking System Project using PHP and MySQL
This mini project on Tour And Travel Booking System has been developed using PHP and MySQL, with PHP version 7.0 and MySQL version 5.6. It can be easily set up on xamp or wamp. The frontend is built using HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Please note that this is a mini project, not a major one. In this project, the admin can manage packages, images, itinerary, etc., while customers can view package information and make bookings. We offer various PHP projects for free download with source code for students to learn from.
Modules and Description of Tour And Travel Booking System Project:
Package Module :
The Package Module allows the admin to perform CRUD operations related to packages. Features include adding, viewing, editing, and deleting airline records. Form validation is done using JavaScript.
Booking Module :
The Booking Module is designed to manage customer bookings. Admin can manage, edit, delete, and view all bookings, while customers can view their bookings.
Customer Module :
The Customer Module tracks customer information and allows admin to perform CRUD operations on customer records. Access restrictions are implemented to ensure data security.
Itinerary Module :
The Itinerary Module manages package itinerary details, allowing admin to upload, edit, and delete itineraries.
Login Module :
The Login Module provides the login functionality for admin access, including adding new login records, viewing details, updating records, and changing passwords.
Functionality and modules of the project Tour And Travel Booking System:
- Login – Admin login functionality
- Logout Functionality
- Change Password Functionality
- Dashboard – Admin dashboard for managing packages, bookings, and customers
- Tour And Travel Booking Module for adding, editing, viewing, and listing packages
- Customer Module for managing customer details
- Booking Module for managing bookings
- Itinerary Module for managing itinerary details
- Reports for generating reports on packages, customers, bookings, and itineraries
Technology Used in the project Tour And Travel Booking System
Technologies used in this project:
- HTML for page layout
- CSS for styling
- JavaScript for validation and animations
- PHP for business logic
- MySQL for database
- Apache2 for server
- Compatible with XAMP, LAMP, WAMP, or MAMP
Supported Operating System
Operating systems supported:
- Windows: Easily configured on Windows using WAMP or XAMP
- Linux: Compatible with all versions of Linux
- Mac: Can be set up on Mac operating system