Gas Booking System Project using PHP and MySQL
The Gas Booking System project is a PHP mini project designed to manage and maintain gas-related records. This project includes features to keep track of connections, customers, branches, and bookings. Developed using PHP and MySQL, the main goal of this project is to create a website that provides information on gas connections, bookings, branches, and customers. The project has a single user admin who can manage gas-related information, edit, delete, and update customer details after logging in.
For students looking to learn PHP online projects, we provide a simple PHP MySQL project for free download.
Modules and Description of Gas Booking System Project:
Connection Module :
The Connection Module focuses on providing functionality related to connections. It includes CRUD operations for managing connection records. Features of this module include adding new connection records, viewing the list of connections, editing and updating connection records, and deleting connection records. All connection forms are validated on the client side using JavaScript.
Branch Module :
The Branch Module is designed to manage branches of connections. Admin can mark connection branches, view the list of all branches, and filter them according to connections. Connections can only see their respective branches.
Booking Module :
The Booking Module handles the management of booking information. Admin can upload bookings, and connections can view and download them. Features include uploading new bookings, viewing and downloading bookings, editing and updating existing bookings, and deleting bookings.
Customer Module :
The Customer Module is responsible for managing customer information. Admin can upload, delete, and edit customer details. Features include adding new customers, viewing and downloading customer details, editing and updating existing customers, and deleting customers.
Login Module :
The Login Module provides the login form for admin access to the system. Features include adding new login records, viewing login details, editing and updating login records, and changing passwords.
Functionality and modules of the project Gas Booking System:
- Login – Admin login module
- Logout Functionality
- Change Password Functionality
- Dashboard – Admin dashboard for managing connections, details, and listings
- Connection Management Module
- Adding, editing, viewing, and listing connection details
- Booking Module
- Adding, editing, viewing, and listing booking details
- Customer Module
- Adding, editing, viewing, and listing customer details
- Branch Module
- Adding, editing, viewing, and listing branch details
- Reports of the project Gas Booking System
- Reports on connections, bookings, customers, and companies
Technology Used in the project Gas Booking System
The project is developed using the following technologies:
- HTML for page layout
- CSS for design
- JavaScript for validation and animations
- PHP for business and frontend logic
- MySQL for the database
- Apache2 server for hosting
- Compatible with XAMP, LAMP, WAMP, or MAMP
Supported Operating System
The project can be configured on the following operating systems:
- Windows: Compatible with WAMP or XAMP
- Linux: Compatible with all versions of Linux
- Mac: Compatible with Mac operating system