Training and Placement Management System Project using Java, JSP, and MySQL
This project focuses on the development of a Training and Placement Management System using Java, JSP, and MySQL database. At, we offer a variety of Java software projects for final year college students. Students can download Java and JSP projects with source code and database for free. The main goal of this project is to provide student information through a “Placement Cell” system, which is currently used in universities to store and retrieve information about students and registered companies. The system also allows companies to access student details in a database for recruitment processes through a secure login. By storing personal information, CGPA marks, skill sets, and technical skills, the system simplifies the recruitment process for companies during selection tests. Students can update their own information, making it easier for companies to make selections. This system is beneficial for students as it provides easy access to materials needed for the selection process, such as aptitude and reasoning tests, as well as placement papers from various websites. Students can find and download Java projects with source code and detailed documentation.
Modules and Description of Training and Placement Management System Project:
Applicant Module :
The Applicant Module is designed to track and manage applicant information. It includes CRUD operations for adding, viewing, updating, and deleting applicant records. Access restrictions are implemented to ensure that only admin users can perform operations on data, while applicants can only view their own information. Features of this module include adding new applicants, viewing applicant details, and updating applicant records.
Company Module :
The Company Module allows admin users to manage company data. Admins can add, edit, and delete company records, as well as view a list of all companies. Students can view company details, and the module provides CRUD operations for managing company information.
Job Module :
The Job Module is designed to manage job information. Admins can add, edit, and delete job records, as well as view a list of all jobs. Students can view job details, and the module provides functionality for managing job data.
College Module :
The College Module allows admin users to manage college information. Admins can add, edit, and delete college records, as well as view a list of all colleges. Students can view college details, and the module provides functionality for managing college data.
Student Module :
The Student Module is designed to track and manage student information. It includes CRUD operations for adding, viewing, updating, and deleting student records. Features include adding new students, viewing student details, and updating student records.
Functionality performed by Admin user:
Admin users can perform the following functions:
- Login, Forgot password, Edit Profile, Change Password, and Logout
- Dashboard for Admin User
- Manage Company, Applicant, College, Job, System User, and Student records
- Generate reports for Companies, Applicants, Colleges, Jobs, System Users, and Students
Functionality performed by Student user:
- Student Registration, Login, Apply for Job, View Applied Jobs, View All Jobs, View College Details, and Change Password
Static Pages and other sections :
Static pages available in the project:
- Home Page, About Us, and Contact Us pages
- Home Page with JavaScript animated slider for images banner
Technology Used in the project Training and Placement Management System
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSP, Java, MySQL, Tomcat
Supported Operating System
This project can be configured on the following operating systems:
- Windows: Tomcat 7, JDK 7, MySQL 5
- Linux
- Mac